My experience with Shrek

>Be me
>Be 20 years old
>No job
>No GF
>Living in my parents' basement, wallowing in darkness and my own filth
>Do nothing all day but fap to my Shrek posters, Shrek merchandise, Shrek rule 34 and watch Shrek's movies
>Diet consists of nothing but onions
>Room smells like manure
>Haven't showered in months
>Mom and dad walk in and turn the lights on
>I hiss as the room is filled with light, burning my skin
>Just in time to catch me cumming on one of my many Shrek figurines
>Start yelling at me
>Dad is steaming with anger and mom is crying
>Dad starts ripping my Shrek posters off the walls and tearing apart my Shrek plushies
>I screech in despair and try to stop him
>He hooks me in the chin
>I go down hard
>He towers above me, anger in his eyes, and lifts his leg
>Stomps at my face
>I close my eyes and brace for the blow
>Nothing comes
>I hesitantly open my eyes
>Shrek is holding dad's leg
>Dad is staring at Shrek with disbelief in his eyes and mom stops crying
>Shrek proceeds to snap his leg like a twig and rips it off
>Dad lets out a horrifying scream and collapses holding his leg's stump, which only arouses Shrek 
>Mom is paralyzed with fear, her tears dried up from terror
>Shrek calmly walks over to mom, fully erect, leaving dad to bleed out
>Shoves three onions down her throat and skullfucks her while she suffocates
>Dad is screaming in the background
>Shrek climaxes and roars in delight as he floods mom with his green spunk
>Mom's stomach swells up and explodes
>Shrek's sperm, blood, mom's guts and onions are splattered all over the room
>Shrek throws mom's limp corpse at a wall
>Turns around and looks at my dad, who is now quietly sobbing
>Dad shits himself with fear
>His pants become stained with a mix of blood and feces
>Shrek casually grabs the leg he ripped off from dad
>Stands above him
>"It's all ogre for you"
>Dad stares at me with pleading eyes, but I look the other way
>Shrek shoves the severed leg up dad's rectum and fucks him with it until he expires from severe internal bleeding
>Shrek looks at me 
>I'm curled up in the corner, silently masturbating 
>He extends his hand
>Helps me up
>He gently pulls down my pants 
>I nod
>He rips off my dick and balls
>The pain is unimaginable, but I endure it for Shrek
>He whispers in my ear 
>"This is my swamp"
>Shrek penetrates my brand new pussy
>We make love all day
>I pass out from the pleasure
>Next morning I wake up
>Shrek's seed, mixed with my blood, is still dripping from my pussy
>Shrek is gone
>The air has a faint smell of onions
>My parents' corpses are still there, rotting and stained with crusted cum, blood and shit
>I see my computer is on
>There's an onion on the desk, and a picture of Shrek smiling in the background
>"Shrek is love", I say, "Shrek is life"